The Best Show You’re Not Watching

Yeah… you binge watch TV and you know all the hot trends out there but I know the one show you aren’t watching – the PBS Newshour.

Yes, I’m serious.

It turns out I’m not the only one who feels this way. I’ve watched religiously for years, I’ve encouraged friends to watch and now I want make certain the world knows what it is missing.

We’ve all become a bit obsessed with political news these days and you think you know how to sort out fake news from real news. You’d also rather get your news from comedians because a spoonful of laughter helps the headlines go down. That’s why NBC is bringing us primetime SNL Weekend Update this summer (premiere is August 10). But, I promise you, if you’re not watching the PBS Newshour, you’re missing out.

I hear you. You think it’s dry and boring and, well, it’s serious news trying to inform you rather than entertain you. It’s real news – always – that you can trust no matter your party affiliation. Still, it’s not as boring as you think.

PBS Newshour Screen GrabIf you find it difficult to sit for 50 minutes and watch a broadcast, you can always watch the Newshour online at any time. The Newshour website rocks. It breaks broadcasts down into topic segments and you can do more than watch. You can listen to the audio or read up on the transcript. Choose the format that is most convenient. Driving? Aux in and listen to the audio. Sitting in the doctor’s waiting room? Skim through a transcript.

Remember, PBS is publicly funded (principally through donations). So it’s free. There are no commercials during their broadcasts and zero ads on their website. That’s a big plus over other websites.

Frankly, you cannot do better than 100% real news with no subscription (although I encourage everyone to donate… hey, these are the people who got you hooked on Downton Abbey and Sherlock) from a completely non-partisan viewpoint. You can even subscribe to their channel on YouTube.

Unlike other news outlets, the Newshour takes you beyond sound bites to make certain you don’t miss the other headlines because Trump sent out another bizarre tweet.

Want proof this is important? On October 7, 2016 (and much of the following week) when other broadcasters were swallowed up with the breaking story of the Access Hollywood tape, the PBS Newshour also covered the other major story of the day – the US formally accused Russia of hacking.

In a world without Trump, that would have been the lead headline… but instead it was buried under more salacious news. In fact, the Newshour was covering Russian hacks back in September 2016. Meanwhile, their coverage of the tape offered a more well-rounded view of the revelation than other sources.

NewsHour is not sexy. It is not filled with in-your-face excitement. What it is is what it has always been: A trustworthy and responsible look at the issues of the day.” – Maxwell Strachan via HuffPost

Bottom line: If I haven’t convinced you yet that the PBS Newshour should be on the top of your news consumption list, then let me convince you to at least make 10 minutes to check out the Shields and Brooks segments every Friday.

One Democrat and one Republican sitting across from each other talking intelligently, respectfully and always getting along – we could all use more examples of this bipartisan goodwill. You cannot find that at any other roundtable on any other program and not even the occasional substitute would dare risk the harmony, good nature and thoughtful discussions on the Newshour.

Now, go forth and get some real news you can count on.


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