With the US sidelined, who’s leading the Free World now?

Since the President of the United States of America is busy alienating allies and playing foolish games with rivals, it’s time to take a hard look at who is actually heading up western and democratic agendas throughout the globe.

Arguably, the “Free World” has shrunk considerably since the days of Ronald Reagan. Despite bright hopes for the Arab Spring, efforts to expand democracy worldwide have stalled. Communism may not be in vogue, but free and fair elections are also out of fashion. Egypt  has become a military state. Turkey is moving towards dictatorship. Russia has devolved into an oligarchy. Venezuela is in chaos and Brazil is floundering under political scandal. In fact, much of Latin American democracy is under a dubious cloud thanks to widespread corruption.

With conflict in Asia and devastation across much of Africa, it appears Europe holds the most promising contenders for the Free World throne. Many people would jump quickly to Britain to find the next candidate, but as the UK thumbs its nose at the European Union and Prime Minister Theresa May loses her majority, England’s state of transition clearly distracts it from global matters. Of course, Scandinavia remains primarily mum on the world stage. While the election of Emmanuel Macron in France brightened the global landscape just as the spread of nationalism threatened to snuff the flame of democracy, neither Macron’s magnetism nor that of Canada’s Justin Trudeau can counter the leadership and experience of one woman: Angela Merkel.

That’s right – The US 2016 election ultimately propelled a woman through the highest glass ceiling. Germany’s Chancellor Merkel now stands at the center of the global stage and has become leader of the Free World. Even in an often globally ignorant society, Merkel is a well-known figure in American society thanks to shows like Saturday Night Live. Who would have thought that the country which stood at the center of early 20th century chaos would now become the stabilizing force for democracy around the world?

Merkel’s experience, steady character, and forthright nature allow her to manage the insecure narcissistic personalities of Russian and American leaders, navigate the wake created by England’s Brexit, and power through the economic chaos created by the global financial crisis. Merkel’s successes include Germany starting 2016 with a budget surplus of 12.1 billion euros ($13.1 billion) and AAA credit rating. When it comes to the EU, NATO, the G20, and the Paris Climate Accord, the Trump circus may make headlines, but anyone looking for leadership is turning to Merkel for answers.

Amidst the petty males preening for the spotlight and squabbling in public, Merkel’s clear head and methodical problem-solving command attention. Among government leaders, it is Merkel whose authority shines clearly and Merkel who holds the world’s respect. A recent Pew Research Center poll shows that, not only are most G20 leaders looking to Merkel for leadership, but more Americans have confidence in Merkel than in Trump. She’s clearly the most level head on the block these days.

In fact, as we move steadily into the 21st century, it’s clear that, 100 years later, Germany has left behind the shadow of war by embracing its history and learning from the past. By remaining vigilant of prior mistakes and seeking to cooperate with its neighbors and allies, Germany is now the shining example of how a properly run democracy can benefit its citizens as well as the global community – all the while turning a big, fat, capitalistic profit. It’s time for the birthplace of democracy to switch on its tablet and take note – there’s a new leader of the Free World and, as that eye roll at the G20 showed, she’s not putting up with cockfight drama.

So don’t get your boxers in a twist, maybe if you put your mind to it, one day you can grow up to be as tough, successful and respected as Leader of the Free World: Germany’s Chancellor, Angela Merkel.




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